Solve online here.
Rules: Standard Star Battle rules.
Place some stars in the grid, no more than one by cell, such that the number of stars in each row, column and region equal the indicated number. Stars cannot share an edge or a corner.
Here is an example of a Star Battle grid and its solution.
Solve the example online here.
According to gmpuzzle, Star Battle was invented by Hans Eendebak from the Netherlands in 2003 for the World Puzzle Championship.
Geradeweg rules: Draw a single, non-intersecting loops passing orthogonally by the center of some cells. The loop must pass by every numbered cell. The length of each segment passing through a numbered cell need to be the length of the clue. Hence, if the loop turns in the numbered clue, each branch needs to be the length of the clue, and if it goes straight the segment crossing the number is of the length of the clue.
A question mark can represent any number.
Here is an example of a Geradeweg grid and its solution.
Solve the example online here.
Geradeweg has been invented by Robert Vollmert (Germany). He posted some as soon as 2013 on the LMD portal.